
Powerful Zapper Attracts and Kills Flying Insects


Mosquitoes Were Eating Me Alive Until A Friend Showed Me This New Anti-Mosquito Technology.

Adam Simmons   Monday July 05, 2021   in Health Gadgets

What if I told you there’s a new portable bug zapper that keeps mosquitos out of your yard thanks to improved UV flashbeam technology?

I recently moved to a more relaxed life on a farm. But after falling asleep on my porch one night, I quickly realized I don’t live in the city anymore. Mosquitoes attacked me looking for a quick meal. A dozen bites later, I knew I had to do something. Or my summers would be ruined by mosquito bites.

So, I researched every anti-mosquito product under the sun to learn more about the top-rated repellants. Problem is, all the best ones use toxic chemicals, and I didn’t want smelly candles or dangerous toxins around my family. I was so frustrated! So, one night, before going to bed, I posted a status on Facebook. Asking if any of my friends had any suggestions.

My Friend’s Genius Advice…

The next morning, I saw a WhatsApp message from a friend who works in a major tech company as an electrical engineer. He told me all about Keilini, a new mosquito zapper his friend had just created. It attracts and kills mosquitoes using a brand new lightwave technology.

FlashBeam Technology ™ emmits the exact frequency of UV that works like a mosquito magnet.

Keilini uses patented "FlashBeam Technology" to wipe out 96% of mosquitoes in less than 6 minutes! That’s 7x more than ANY other device on the market!

“Does it really work?”, I asked…

Here’s what he said:

So, I decided to try it out and ordered one for $39.99. When I received the package, I found the design was really cool. Turning it on and off was a breeze. Even for a tech noob like me.

Ideal for barbecues, evenings in the garden, when traveling and indoors...

The battery works for about 20 hours on a 1-hour charge. And you can charge it with ANY USB-charging device. Even better, it's solar-powered and perfect for you to zap some mozzies wherever you place it.

The Real Test - How Effective Is Keilini At Killing Mosquitoes?

The moment of truth! The mosquito swarm was already in full force. So, I placed Keilini on the fence and turned it on. I wanted to see what it can do from a faraway end of my yard.

What happened next blew me away! In less than 5 minutes, I couldn’t see a single mosquito around me! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I poured myself a glass of Scotch and enjoyed the peace and quiet. No swatting with my arms, no itchy bites, no buzzing in my ear. Just peace and quiet. It actually worked! I spent the whole evening outside without a single bite. The amount of bugs this thing trapped was just unbelievable.

“They’re Selling Out Fast!”

When I went back inside, I messaged my friend to tell him about my great success. He told me he was happy for me, but also for his friend who makes the device. Due to Keilini’s effectiveness at eliminating mosquitoes, it’s selling out quicker than he could ever hope.

So, if you’re reading this and you want one, I suggest snapping yours right now before they’re all sold out for the summer. This is the best pest control you can put in your home or yard this year.

Before, I couldn’t spend more than 10 minutes in my backyard before getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. With Keilini turned on, I settled with a book and a glass of Scotch, and there were no pesky biters charging down for a quick snack.

I even dozed off only in my shorts and t-shirt (not a good idea in the spring). But when I woke up a couple hours later, I saw that I hadn’t been bitten once!

Not only is this zapper one of the most effective solutions when it comes to fighting pesky insects, it also comes with an LED lightbulb, which is portable and waterproof. The light is solar-powered with the black solar panel on the top, and you can also charge it by a USB port.

It is easy to transport, because you can easily attach the lamp to your backpack and take it with you on every trip, with both hands free.

Portable and easy to clean: just clean with water!

Keilini is waterproof, and you can use it even when it rains, just wipe the accumulated mosquitoes with water, and don't have to worry about using the zapper near a lake or swimming pool.

What Makes Keilini So Great?

✅  Advanced UV Lightwave Technology

Keilini uses patented UV tech that attracts 7x more mosquitoes than any other zapper on the market.

✅  Up to 375 sq ft coverage

From living rooms and backyards to gardens and camping spots. Keilini keeps you and your loved ones protected from itchy mosquito bites.

✅  Super-easy to use

Just charge it for an hour and take it anywhere with you. It will start zapping mosquitoes around you instantly, so they can’t bother you anymore.

✅  Stylish, portable design

Keilini can fit into any environment. From richly decorated rooms to garages and back porches. And it’s so light and compact, you can take it on your camping trip without it weighing you down.

✅  20 hours of wireless power

Despite its amazing mosquito-zapping powers, Keilini is incredibly energy-efficient. It can run for 20 hours on a single charge.

My Conclusion: It’s A No-Brainer

Keilini is ultra-simple to set up. It took me about 20 seconds to get it up and running out of the box. Just find the right spot to place it and turn it on.

But, I can already hear you asking…

How large an area can Keilini keep mosquito-free?

Answer - up to 375 sq ft! Wherever I place it, I have ZERO problems with mosquitoes. Even my open-plan family room is 100% mosquito-free.

Keilini takes only an hour to recharge so I can take it outside without worrying about running out of juice and getting swarmed by mosquitoes. I used it in my backyard for BBQs and family gatherings and it just kept on zapping with plenty of juice left at the end.

Keilini is all you need for any house or camping trip.

Why Is It Discounted Right Now?

Keilini believes in investing in their first-time buyers.

Some of its competitors cost north of $100. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if Keilini costed at least that.

Imagine my surprise when I realized the company is selling it right now for only $39.99 (thanks to a promotional 50% discount that’s ending soon).

What’s 24/7 protection against mosquito bites worth to you?

How To Get One For Yourself?

If it’s still in stock, here’s how to get yours:

  • Click here to go to the official website
  • Enjoy a bite-free summer

It’s that simple!

The Internet is full of cheap knock-offs and early prototypes that don’t work as well. So, make sure to get the REAL DEAL directly from the manufacturer.

* Monday July 05, 2021 Update:

Ever since Keilini was featured on major international media, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in their product that they are now offering a one-time, first-time-buyer 50% discount.

Here’s What Other People Are Saying About Keilini:

Luis R.

Verified buyer

Just Plug It In And GO!

"This thing is like magic! It’s the second one I’ve bought, I had to give the first one to my Dad. He can’t believe he doesn’t have to pay anymore. Just plug it in and go! I always say my Keilini is the best purchase I’ve ever made!"

Kylie D.

Verified buyer

It Saved My Skin!

"Summer days in Florida can be brutal! It’s super hot, rainy and a field day for mosquitos. Having the Keilini has brought so much comfort not only outside, but inside my home as well. It saved my skin from the bites that I was constantly prone to getting."

Ryan P.

Verified buyer

Amazing Device!

"Grilling and barbecues are a staple tradition for me and my family. The flies and itchy ants always invited themselves to the party. The Keilini has become the most convenient way to get rid of these bugs from flying around our food and drinks. We can now hang out all day without having to worry about them anymore. It’s been a huge relief."

Sasha B.

Verified buyer

Great For Fishing

"The Keilini is an essential item for when my dad and I go fishing together every Sunday. We charge it in the morning and it lasts for the entire day on the lake. It’s so light and easy to carry, that we ended up getting two!"